Sunday, August 9, 2009


Written Friday/ Saturday

By the time you read this, you will notice that there are two blog entries right behind this that I wrote earlier in the week, that I never uploaded. Happy Reading!

I have decided to race on Sunday at Neshaminy. I am only going to do the Beginner class. I was on the fence about the race earlier in the week, but I had a good ride Wednesday with Mike and Dom, and it was enough to convince me to throw my hat into the ring

I cant shake this pain in my side. It’s definitely a strain of some sort. It feels like its sort of in-between my hip and lower back. I no doubt believe that is a result of Wednesday’s ride. It’s nagging enough that I bagged running yesterday and today. I’ll probably do a little something in the morning tomorrow – light run or something. I do not want to aggravate it before Sunday’s race.

Finally, The First Annual Wife’s Away 5k and BBQ is over!!!! The weather was miserable when I woke yesterday, and the forecast called for showers on and off for the rest of the day. However, the clouds cleared up in the mid afternoon and we have absolutely beautiful weather for the race.

I started marking the course with our patented crushed lime technique around 5:30. Amazingly, I didnt get any gruff from any of the neighbors. I did have a slight scare about 10 minutes before the start of the race. A Brookhaven cop rolled down my street very slowly and immediately I began to think that a neighbor called the cops when they say me painting arrows on the course. But the cop just rolled on by, even though there were 20 people congregating outside of my house with ole finishing chute setup in the street. Whew. I should have asked him if he wanted to lead the runners out with his lights and sirens on :)

I had about 15 people in last nights race. My wife, Tim, Alex, Buggsy*, McCaff**, Gregg, Kristen***, Andrew****, Dave, Cecile, Elizabeth, Joey K, Brian, Dom*****, Tom B and his Greg. I think I got them all. Its a shame that we had to bag it this weekend past. I had alot of people on the guest list that couldnt make it. They missed out on a good time. Everyone who ran loved the course I laid out and thought it was very well marked. It was a tiny bit long at 3.15 miles, but I really wanted the start and finish in front of my house, and I don’t think anyone really cared anyway. I was a bit disappointed that only three people from my running club attended. I figured I would get more participation from them. They’re an odd group, that running club of mine. They hardly support or attend the Pickle Runs. Weird.

I had plenty of food and beer. Everyone was really generous and we had dogs, burgers, watermelon, homemade fried chicken, cookies, veggie burgers,tons of beer, turkey burgers, and all kinds of chips. Elizabeth brought a box of homemade Italian creampuffs from South Philly. We had just enough food – no leftovers. And everyone got a T-shirt in their respective correct size (I had ordered some random sizes with no real rhyme or reason). The “after-party” raged on until a little after 10. My girls had a great time playing with Uncle Dom and Uncle Speedy (thats what they call McCaff), and I think everyone loved the silly prizes that I gave out. Pictures of the first overall Male and Female award winners are on the way.

This fall, I think we’re going to do another silly race called “The Pickles and Beer.” It will probably be another invite-only race. Tim is going to have it at his house. Our first-ever Pickle Run was at Tim’s house about 2 years ago (maybe 3) so we’re going back to where it all started. Sounds like we’re going to do these small private races at least twice a year.

I started this blog entry this morning, on the train on the way into work. I am finishing it on the way home, and it’s now 11:05 pm. Any train after 10:00 pm on a weekend is affectionately know as “The Crazy Train.” At this time of night, the R3 becomes a virtual “who’s who” of mental illness. It’s one step below riding a Greyhound Bus. This particular train is especially fun tonight because there was a Phillies game, and as such we have an unusually large volume of passengers. As a matter of fact, there is a nice young gentleman adorned in full Phillies attire, seated about two rows ahead of me, who appears to be in some advanced state of inebriation, and as such, he is especially loud. I would never be one to judge on first appearances, but he doesnt exactly look like he will be tendered a membership to MENSA anytime in the near future.

I went out with boys tonight to Chima, a Brazilian Steakhouse in Philly. All you can eat meat. After the meal, we walked around the city for about 45 minutes to work off dinner. At point in the evening, I had to leave the table in order to go outside and get some air. I figure I have about 5 pounds of meat settling to the bottom of my stomach. Nice.

* Buggs showed up 11 minutes late, but still ran the whole course, and was kind enough to bring a huge pan of homemade fried chicken that his wife made

**McCaff ran with Baba (my little one) in the stroller and still clocked 22 minutes

*** Kristen is friggen three months preggo

****Andrew brough his three kids who rode the course with him while he ran

***** Dom didnt actually run- he was my “lead cyclist” on the course.

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