Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Persona Non Grata

I've hammering out some miles. I hot 27 miles this week, 25 the week before. While that might not see alot for most, it's alot for me given the last year and a half I have had. Take a look at this picture. This is a screen shot from the online website I use to track my mileage. It tells a pretty good story


Personally, I am surprised my mileage for the months previous to the May had as much mileage as shown. I've packaged together some good long runs together, in the heat. My last four runs (not including what I did this evening) have been outside, in the heat. I dont mind running in the heat - some runners find it to be an abysmal experience.  


The beauty of running at Ridley Creek State Park is that it's got a decent mix of hills as evident by the graph, above. There's a monster hill over there locally named "The Gutbuster" and I do everything in my powers to avoid it. It's one of those monster inclines that serves no practical purpose for training. If I was training for a run up Mt. Washington, sure, I'd run up that hilly until I puked. But a) I dont race anymore and b) I dont like puking. As you can see by the elevation profile, I started and stopped at the "top" of the park, which means the first half of my run was downhill (and very fast) and the last part was obviously upill. Which really sucked. Alot. 

Nectar of the Gods